Saturday, August 7, 2010

Oil spill............ devastation of our Planet

The recent oil spill in the gulf of Mexico is the largest oil spill in the history of mankind . The spill started after deep horizon drilling rig explosion. As a result millions of gallons of had been spilt in the oceans. It has caused an extensive damage to fragile ecosystem of the gulf. Already there are many off shore drilling going on and many new projects are being launched.
If we give a look what we have done to our mother earth. Air, water and land we have left no part of our planet untouched from pollution and destruction. The greed of mankind is ever increasing . We are developing new ways to exploit our mother planet. The emissions are increasing each year.
Its not BP oil spill , our planet is being poisoned every day and this oil spill was a big dose . Countries haven't implemented the Kyoto protocol . United states which was supposed to be leader a leader but in the destruction and poisoning of our planet. Its was oil spill in the US so it attracted so much attention , go to places like Nigeria delta .....where the total equivalent oil spilt during the year is even more. But it does not comes in the news headlines . And the big oil firms like Shell which are powerful even do not care to pay for clean up operations in the delta. The whole ecosystem has been destroyed. The big oil firms has become too powerful in this capitalist world. There ruthless quest for earning profit is damaging our existence . If you wouldn't believe ...go and watch the video "Who killed the electric car" . They even influence the public opinion by controlling the media. These oil companies have become too powerful and are influencing the policy of government. And may be these are controlling the small governments in poor regions like Africa. These multinational big guns care only for their profit and nothing else matter for them. Recent stories of involvement BP in release of Lockerbie bombers by Scotland is one of such incidents.
No one can disagree that in today's world money only matters . And these big firms have financial resources in plenty. Now they are forcing governments to start oil and gas exploration in remote areas of Arctic ocean. Five countries ...US, Canada, Norway, Iceland ,UK and Russia have their claims in the Arctic ocean. This is one of the rarest ecosystem of our planet which have not be damaged till now. But government have already started to take bidding for destroying these areas also. Before starting any exploration in the Arctic ocean ...all key countries should sit together and form tough laws for protesting the ecosystem......they should not bow under the pressure from multinational firms.
Time has come when nation should come above their interests to protect the mother earth . Stop thinking in terms of million dollars and MNCs......think of the future crisis. If we start it today ......................then may be we can save our planet for coming generations.

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